New Shorts and Swimsuits At Sycophancy

Two new items added too :S:ycophancy.  High Rise shorts and a cute vintage inspired swimsuit!

Please come down and see! We’re adding new items often so come and visit us at :S:ycophancy!

:S:ycophancy Vacation Sale!

We’re leaving next week to have a vacation and celebrate Dai’s 20th birthday!  Our gift too you for this is a 10 day long 50% sale!

Come visit us now! Dai snuck the prices down already!

:S:yco Summer 2010 – The First Wave

We’ve added a ton of new items to the store but have been terribly lacking with blog posts!!

To make things short, here are some pretty pictures too show off a few of our newest additions:

Our deepest appologies to those who do not like furries, even the adorable little ones from Yumyum but we wanted to have some gender neutral pictures for our store as clothing isn’t strictly just for men or just for women. If you love the way it looks, and it makes you look and feel great wear it!

Feel free to drop by :S:ycophancy to browse through our apparel and shoes. We have a freebie to go alongside with almost every article of clothing we make as well!

Almost forgot to mention!! We’re having a special sale to celebrate a vacation and Dai’s 20th birthday! I’ll do a separate post for that though will all the information you’ll need on it!

Easter Egg Hunt at :S:ycophancy!

Come visit us at :S:ycophancy and find the eggs the Easter Bunny (well, Dai really, but he’s a bunny 37% of the time anyways!) left out for you! You only have until April 5th to collect all 10 eggs full with EXCLUSIVE products for easter only so get hopping!

New Shorts for Spring! \o/

Everyday I’m looking out at the thermometre and every day it’s saying hello I am almost 20 degrees with the sun shining on me! :D Makes me feel warm and lively, although there’s still snow everywhere here. Therefore we decided to add some cute little denim shorts to our store. ^^ They come in seven colours, two of these are FREE by the way! Just join the sycophancy group then click the picture of the pink and red shorts with your group tag on to receive them!

If you like what you see come visit us at Sycotik and grab a pair or two, and definitely come get the free ones! Until next time!

Gah Moved! DX

Due to the sim :S:ycophancy was previously located on shutting down on the 10th… we had to move. Fan and I purchased ourselves a homestead before getting this information so our store will be located there until we find a better and (I hope) a more permanent Main Store location!

Anyways if you feel like it come down and explore. I’m putting a bunch of old things out on the roof for 5-10 lindens each. Uh… I don’t have any pictures for you. :x BUT I do have a SLurl so go explore if you have time. :P~

Beware the New Year

Seriously, it’s always terrifying to start a new year. This new year :S:ycophancy’s going to get busy. We’ve moved location, we actually closed for a bit but now… now we’re going to get serious. We’re going to have a funtime opening sometime mid to late January at our new location. We have a bunch of new items out for purchase and even more being made in the sweatro- I mean Dai’s sewing room. <3

Have a taste of what we’re bringing out for you:

New Shoes

Skirts & Pants



So come visit us at the new :S:ycophancy, we have games out, a lot of our older items discounted to L$50 or lower, freebies and gifts for both the guys and gals for the holidays so they’re going to be gone VERY soon!! :D Have fun, be good and look good too. :P

Hair? WUT? D8

Uh yeah. I’ve wanted to make hair for a while. I like building things. Hair can be built, yes? Yes. Sure sure not supposed to create or what not yesterday and today. I can’t do that… I’d rather be productive then not do anything at all. It just doesn’t seem right to me. Ayways, I finally was able to make myself a half decent hair texture.Scoti HairI only wanted to do four colours because well.. I’m lazy, have no lindens and I doubt me making hair will make me lindens. The hair obviously has flaws since I’ve only made a few hairs before. I’m also not releasing this just yet, the headband only has one texture (black) and I need to give it more. That and I really should be focusing on what I can do, though learning is never a bad thing to do. I guess my epic failure at attempting one of my designs earlier today made me want to do something else… after I got bored of shooting things on Fallout 3.

I’ll probably have these as cheapies so yeah, be on the lookout. :P

Oh and uh, tomorrow is the last day for our 50% off sale at the Juicy del Mar :S:ycophancy store! Go now before the sale is over!! DOOOOO EET!

:S:ycophancy Ribboned Tees and Norman Tights

I… Like these two separates worn together. They create a really comfy and carefree look that looks great on anyone, regardless of gender. Yeah tights aren’t usually seen on guys these days, especially full length ones but I like men in tights. (TIGHT tights heeheehee)


Ribboned Tees Poster

You won’t find these at our Juicy del Mar location… but they are at our new homebase. I suggest you take a look, it’s a pretty spot we took up. Be prepared for next week with us by the way… we do love our sales.

Oh yeah, the Juicy del Mar location Sale is STILL ON! Go there NOW!

New Group Exclusive + a Couple New Additions

So We’ve got some new tights and baggy tees in store, though the pictures still need to be done for them.. we’re slackers, we know. D:

But we do have a cute version of the baggy tees exclusive for the :S:ycophancy update group. o:

And We even took a picture on a girl for once. :P See? Our clothing looks smashing on you ladies! :D

Jesa’s almost to gangsta to behold. D: Look at that little playa. *Pets the good little ginger kid*

Did we mention that our 50% off sale is still on? Because it is!! So get down to our Juicy Location and go crazy!! The highest price is L$60.. OMG!! D8 Remember: It ends November 7th!