Should I quit now? lol Nah, it’s really just a skin for myself since I can’t quite find Mr. Perfect Skin I just decided to make my own. I was going for a black version of Dynasty Warrior’s Gan Ning which a chinstrap but it just turned out looking like my brother. Yeah I know. Now we’re all going to say OMG DAI HAS A BROTHER COMPLEX! LOLOLOLOL. 8D At least it looks way hotter then my brother. The body is way ugly at the moment but the face is pretty much just how I want it at the moment.

Dais Skin WIP 1

Dai's Skin WIP 1

Dais Skin WIP 2

Dai's Skin WIP 2

Yeah, yeah I cheated with the ears and used the ears from Eloh’s free skin templates; I could care less about the ears? I fail. Notice the freckles? Yeah I put brunette freckles and freckles along the nose. No where near as crazy as my real ones but I’m quite partial to my freckles so I decided to put them on my SL skin as well.

Dais Skin WIP 3

Dai's Skin WIP 3

By the way… The shirt I’m wearing has to be my favourite shirt in SL (by Light Tripsa – Royal Trash/Light’s Trash… w-ever). Why you might ask? Because for myself.. it’s saying “got me?”. Mhm, that indeed is part of my real name. Rice FTW.  That and I happen to be into cannibalism, I friggen love rice.

Ok that’s all you’re getting from me right now. I’m off to attempt to make a few templates for a friend then figure out what I’m going to make for halloween.